Bs.Player.Pro.2.57.1048.Full (media fire link)

Screen shot BS.Player 2.57.1048
BS.Player 2.57.1048 multimedia player having 22 languages, the ability to change the appearance of skin using the generator, video playlists, picture, 16:9, using a replacement filter DivX, transparent subtitles, zooming the image, generating the playback speed, capture video frames (screen capture) , change playlists and other resolution.
Download videos and songs are an almost daily activity for millions of people. A modern media player should be able to open any format and provide the highest quality at all times.
BS.Player 2.57.1048 is a classic among the players. Not only opens up the vast majority of existing formats, but has a manager to find and install codecs for you the missing.
The lightweight, intuitive interface and its low resource consumption make the player BS.Player 2.57.1048 ideal for any computer, even the least powerful. The BS.Player 2.57.1048 default skin is not the most attractive, but there are many available online.
BS.Player is not limited to play files. With a right click to a plethora of cool features such as motion capture, generating thumbnails, an equalizer and other sophisticated controls.
BS.Player 2.57.1048 preferences are numerous, although the panel is well arranged. Among the most interesting we mention the subtitle, plugins and key definition. Configurable to your liking, BS.Player 2.57.1048 will make the most of your audio-visual library.

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